Cyber Security Services are essential because hackers are a constant. Exploits, security holes and attack vectors change constantly giving hackers greater opportunities to break in. Every business should be assessing their internal cyber security posture continuously. For SMBs that process healthcare patient data ( HIPAA) or Credit Card data (PCI) understanding and maintaining a sound cyber security posture for themselves and their customers/clients is critical.
Hackers are targeting small and medium size businesses (SMBs) as a primary targets. SMBs may feel that they aren’t likely to be a target due to their size and that hackers couldn’t possibly be interested in what they do – but in reality the exact opposite is true.
Hackers prey on the knowledge that SMBs tend to have lower defenses than larger organizations, many do not have dedicated IT staff, many do not have adequate system backups ( making them a prime target for a ransomware attack) and many do not invest in cyber security awareness training of employees. Ignoring cyber security is a costly oversight, the cost of being hacked could range from minor inconvenience, reputation damage, loss of customer data, fines and ultimately company closure.
For those SMB’s that are engaged in B2B services with other companies, maintaining a sound security posture and hygiene is vital to retaining B2B relationships. Third Party Risk exploits are a major concern for many businesses.
InfoTech Innovators offers numerous cyber security related services to help our customers :
Initial Security Assessment and Consultation
InfoTech Innovators offers an initial non-intrusive IT security assessment service where we evaluate and report on the customer’s current overall network and security posture. The report provides an overall Risk Report including a Risk Rating, an insightful issues/gaps summary based on the analysis and a Security Risk report. Our report provides insight to strengths, weaknesses and identifies high level gaps that need to be addressed to improve a business’s overall security posture.
Compliance Assessments and Evaluation Services
InfoTech Innovators offers deeper readiness assessments for compliance areas such as ISO, NIST, HIPAA and PCI DSS.
Deeper Security Assessment and Evaluation Services
InfoTech Innovators offers a deeper security assessment which is more extensive than our initial network/security assessment service that evaluates and reports on detailed gaps that need to be addressed to improve a business’s overall security posture along with our remediation recommendations on closing the gaps.
Partner Network
InfoTech Innovators has an extensive partnership network with other technology firms to help to insure that the needs of our customers are met.
And More
95% of cyber security breaches are caused by Human Error. InfoTech Innovators offers Cyber Security Awareness training to help to ensure your employees are educated and your business is protected
Contact InfoTech Innovators today and we are here to help !